Pew Leaflet For 09th March 2025

The Churches of Holy Cross Binstead and St Peter’s Havenstreet

in the Ryde Plurality


Pew Leaflet for Sunday 9th March 2025


Holy Cross, Binstead (

St Peter’s, Havenstreet (




A very warm welcome to all worshipping with us today. Please do join us for coffee and biscuits after the service.


Readings for the 1st Sunday of Lent


Deuteronomy 26, 1 - 11; Romans 10, 8b - 13; Luke 4, 1 - 13 


Prayer for the 1st Sunday of Lent

Lord, during this season of Lent, shatter our illusions, save us from ourselves, and open us to the new life of your Holy Spirit - a life of faith, hope, and love.  As we let your Spirit lead us into repentance, may we discover the goodness and fullness of life in your kingdom of peace.  Amen


Prayer for the sick


We pray for those who are sick and who ask for our prayers: Patrick, Mark and Debbie, Mike, Joan C, Emma, Arthur, Russell and Janette.  We also remember silently in our hearts: Heather, Jackie, Ann, Dave, Daisy, Brenda, Monica, Hester, Kerry, Izabel and John.


Rest in peace


We pray for those who have died recently, among them Marian Dark, and for her family at this sad time.


In Memoriam


Amanda Leanne France, Peter Langdon, Winifred Lugg, Marianne Wendy Measures, Olive Gladys Taylor, John Webster Walker.




Monday 10 March                 19.00               Social & Fundraising meeting at Shadowsfield, 

                                                                                                        Stonepitts Cose, Binstead


Tuesday 11 March               12.00-14.00      Food, Fellowship & Friends lunch


Wednesday 12 March           14.00                Funeral for Marian Dark at Holy Cross

                                              18.30/1900       Deanery Synod at Newport Parish Centre

                                              19.30                Finding a Voice (Lent course) by Zoom


Friday 14 March                     10.00               Finding a Voice (Lent course) at St John’s


Saturday 15 March                10.00 – noon   3Cs coffee morning at Holy Cross*


Sunday 16 March                   09.30               Holy Communion at Holy Cross

                                                10.00               Peter’s Pop-in in Havenstreet Community Centre


Thursday 20 March                 11.00               Pastoral visit to Kite Hill Nursing Home


Tuesday 1 April                       09.30               Binstead School Year 5 visit to Holy Cross



Monday 14 April                      19.00               APCM (Holy Cross)


Tuesday 6 May                       19.30               APCM (St Peter’s)


Thank you


A hearty thank you to Sandra and Paul Ferguson for hosting the Shrove Tuesday Pancake event – an enjoyable final opportunity for indulgence before the start of Lent!


Food, Fellowship & Friends’ Lunch


Held on the second Tuesday each month at the Community Centre, Havenstreet from 12 pm to 2 pm.  All welcome.  Contact Janette 883567 or Jane 562657.  Next lunch: 11 March


Finding a Voice – Lent Course


It is not too late to join one of the groups following this course, either by zoom on Wednesday evenings or in person on Friday mornings at St John’s.  For more details contact Sandie or Rodney.


*3Cs Coffee morning


Our final 3Cs for this season is next Saturday morning.  This event is a chance to meet with members of both the congregation and the wider community for a chat and coffee in a warm space at Holy Cross Church Binstead.  These mornings take place on the third Saturday of the month over the extended winter season as part of our outreach programme. 


Electoral Roll


Every six years every parish is required to prepare a new electoral roll. This process is underway now, so please collect and complete an application form to be included on the new roll from Fiona Langdon, the electoral registration officer.  At the APCM, on 14th April we will need to elect a new PCC and church wardens.  If you want to stand for election as a member of the PCC or as a warden or deputy warden, you will need to obtain and complete nomination forms from Bett Gillingham, the PCC secretary.


Contact details for Holy Cross


Telephone 01983 242906 or email via the church website (‘Contact’) at





Items for inclusion to Mike Coeshott by email by Thursday midday, or for Sundays 9th and 16th March ONLY to Rodney Fox by email  



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