Parish Staff

Ministry Team  (jointly with St. Peter’s Church Havenstreet &
Holy Cross Church Binstead)


In vacancy


Lay Ministers

Arthur Edwards
01983 564413

Rodney Fox 
01983  882291  



Retired Priest

Reverend Sandie Osborne
01983 629023



Church Wardens (St Peter's)

Liz and David Holden
01983 872877


Parish Safeguarding Officer
Paul Ferguson
01983 638198



In the case of an emergency please contact
    Ian Berry     07544 566850


 Isle of Wight Council Team: 01983 814980 or 01983 821105 outside office hours

                                If there is immediate risk or danger, please contact the police on 101.



GDPR Officer for St Peter's

Joy Wickens
01983 884532






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